
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2019.

Tehtävä 5: Someanalyysi / Social media analysis

Hello! I´m doing my schoolwork from social media and here is my powerpoint presentation in finnish. It´s telling how two different disc golf company uses social media in their marketing. It´s quite interesting to see how different they are 'cause both are still marketing the same thing =D  https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwagags8932t3ka/some%20analyysi.pptx?dl=0

Financial managenent update

All right people! Here is my learning diary for my datanome education. I was told to make diary in Wix Website editor but my home computer is too slow to run it so I was deciding to make this blog in here Blogger. My education is going slowly forward but now I just have finished one course, Financial managenent. My website is turning to publish ready for this weekend. Of course I´m gonna update it all this time when i´m in school. Next week I'm gonna send message to my english teacher and I'm gonna say if I can make one test to clarify I´m good in english.